43221 queen elizabeth sixth form college

43221 queen elizabeth sixth form college

Monday, 28 March 2011

Weekly Production Monitoring Blog

At the start of every week you need to create a new post titled ‘Production Monitoring Blog’ – with today’s date on.

It’s also advisable to upload screen dumps of how your work is evidence progression.

Discuss the following points in your blog using the following headings:


Last week I got one with my  double page spread both with planning  and doing i  had to restart an article which was fully complete as the content did not relate to the rest of my magazine. This slowed me down but i have now again nearly finished the double page spread again haven’t learnt any new technical skills

I have to get my photos took and begin to conduct my front cover and finish my double page spread. I am getting my photos took today then I will have to work hard in this week’s lessons to make sure it is all finished. I will be using various photo shop techniques.
I could of encountered various problems through the week for example loss of memory  stick this would be a problem as i save everything on this, if this happened I w would have to try my best to find it and if not start again. To avoid this happening i now back my work up on the college computers. Also things like power cuts this would be out of my control but i would save my work regularly

Monday, 21 March 2011

Pictures to go with weekly production monotoring blog 21/03/11

weekly production monitoring blog 21/03/11

Weekly Production Monitoring Blog

At the start of every week you need to create a new post titled ‘Production Monitoring Blog’ – with today’s date on.

I was off ill for two lessons but when I was in on the Wednesday I managed to make progress with my article. Everything went to plan  and I made major progress I now fully understand what my article is about and should finish it  within the next week

Here is a screen shot of Microsoft word and my written article
Here is a screen shot of in design with the layout of my article set out ready for my article to be loaded in I learnt various new skills in  indesgin this week which will hel0p with future production.

This week I will get my photo shoot done and also finish my double page spread, as I was off ill last week and missed my photo shoot which had previously l booked it’s important that I work hard to get the photos done as I will run out of time. I will need to use organisation skills this week and also work hard with no distractions

Last week there was a power cut therefore this could happen again as it is a risk and could lead to loss off work i will need to regularly save my work both on memory stick and college computer as i could lose my memory stick. If these problems happen I will put extra work in at home and on dinner times to make sure I catch up. If i happen to be ill  on the day of my photo shoot again will go out of my way to come in  whilst ill as i have no time to miss it again.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Weekly Production Monitoring Blog 07/03/2011

Weekly Production Monitoring Blog 07/03/2011

Last week I began to plan my schedule of what I was going to do and when, for the rest of the week I was planning out and drawing my flat plan. I started drawing my flat plan out and everything was going to plan till afterwards when I realised it wasn’t correctly scaled up. To fix this problem encountered I will have to re draw my flat plan but this time i will have to draw it to scale. I also started my product treatment this document outlines exactly what I want to achieve and how I am going to do it. Finally the last thing I did last week was to book my  photo shoot out for Monday next week  will now need to full –plan what is going to happen and get it all sorted.

For this week have scheduled  
Tuesday/Wednesday I will start planning my photo shoot and get in contact with models to find out exactly what they have to do and if they are up for doing it  I will also finish off my treatment and re draw my flat plan, To do my flat plan I will draw it up more precise and using scaling up methods to keep it neat and tidy.

I plan to  Creating initial drafts of my double page spread so I understand what is going into my article  both image and text wise. I will do this by looking at my mock-ups that I have already created and deciding what content will be featured. I will then open in design and start to process my double page spread.


Models not turning up
If my model did not turn up would ask around the class to see if anyone else was up for the task but if not I would try re arrange my photo shoot.

Memory sticks getting lost
If I encountered this problem, I would try my hardest to find it or i would just go to my home computer where everything is backed up

Models not turning up in costume
I would try improvise but if it was a major problem I would see if it was possible to go back home and get the props, preferably I should bring a spare set of costumes in case my model lets me down.

Photo shoots taking a long time set up so that you are only left with a short time to get pictures

I would try re book the photo shoot or ask if it was possible to extend it that same day.