43221 queen elizabeth sixth form college

43221 queen elizabeth sixth form college

Monday, 4 October 2010

Media Essay
I have developed many skills since starting my media and production course, for example new techniques and tool use on Photoshop the cutting out tool and text tool are two of the new ones I have learned, I have also learned a few camera shots and how to use a digital SLR camera.
I still have weaknesses on Photoshop for example I struggle to understand the layers and I initially had problems moving images into the correct places ,another weakness I obtain is to draw out the flat plan to a good standard I find this hard because I  am not a good drawer .
I am progressing in media as I have learned new things to help me create and edit images and progress in my coursework, I still believe I can develop my  skills on Photoshop further as I had to ask for help during, I could also be more precise with the camera and use manual modes to create better quality photos .  
I have used many of the Photoshop skills for example cropping moving layers and basic editing skills such as adding text sharpening the image and using text effects such as drop shadow and transparency. I have effectively used these skills to enhance my print.
This work I am blogging proves my understanding of Photoshop as I have recently uploaded my print which   has lots of different features, also I have uploaded my story board which is annotated with camera shots I didn’t know what these shot where before I started the media course .There are a few weaknesses shown in my work, mainly on my story board as I didn’t put enough detail into the written side to improve this i could add more detail and more complex words to show off my knowledge. my flat plat plan is also not as strong as it could be because I  am not good at illustrating my ideas I prefer to Wright them down to improve this I could practise my drawing skills or get someone better to help me out. The final weakness in my projects was the photographs the where good but could off been better to improve this I could of used manual settings on the camera or used setup or maybe even use a professional photographer  this would make the quality of the work better and to a more professional standard.
The target audience of my product was generally any age and any gender but probably for people over the age of 6 for chocking hazards the main target audience is people who are suffering from coughs, or colds or even voice problems. My new target audience is a younger age range and is said to cure voices it is still generally aimed at all people of any gender.
The elements of my product that successfully engage  my audience’s attention are my print  as it has many techniques that engage the audience’s attention for example bold  bright text this catches the audiences eye and draws them in to learn more about the product been advertised. Another technique I believe has been successful         is again in my print was the large image of a girl holding the sweets this is again bold and really stands out to the audience and puts them in a position to want to purchase the sweets
T he elements of my project that don’t work is mainly my flat plan as i can draw very successfully and the annotation isn’t as detailed as I first though, but also my story board as I struggled to annotated I managed to fill all the boxes but it is not as detailed as it should be but I lacked knowledge on what to write.
If I had the chance to do my project again I could   add more detail to my flat plan try sit down and perfect the drawing  and rationale I would also improve my  story board by enhancing the photos making it look more professional and  annotate   with more e descriptive and technical language to show off my ability. Now I have allot better understanding of Photoshop I believe if I could redo it I would try and make my print better even though I believe it was pretty successful .My product could be more tailored towards the target market I could do this by using segmentation methods and adding things into my work that would attract hat particular strand of audience.
The work I have completed shows my understanding of the audience segmentation systems as it targets different target audiences for example class gender age and obviously people who suffer from a cough. I used the socioeconomic scale to target different segments. 

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